Sunday, January 11, 2009

Color Me Mine

Saturday afternoon Debbie, Dani, and I decided to go over to Borders (Dani's all time favorite store) to purchase a book on marathon training that Debbie had seen the day before. Yes, a book on marathon training... Debbie and I are shooting for a half marathon this summer. This will be interesting since neither one of us are really runners but... :). Anyway, while we were over at the Riverwoods we decided to go over to Color Me Mine and get our creative juices flowing or if you are me get the OCD going...  So here are some shots of our afternoon at Color Me Mine... 

Debbie picked out a little lady bug ceramic box for her and Dani to work on. Dani really enjoyed it and did surprisingly well. We had to remind her a few times that putting paint on the brush and then soaking the brush in water kind of defeats the purpose. There were also a few times when we had to get new paint after Dani experimented with mixing the colors on the pallet. Debbie is incredibly patient and, lucky for her, the OCD doesn't seem to run as deep for her as it does for me :).  

Debbie worked on the details of the lady bug while I distracted Dani with the more basic elements of the piece.

Most of us like to work with one brush at a time but Dani decided to be innovative and discovered that you can do the work in half the time if you have on brush in each hand. 

Of course working on the same basic elements of a piece gets boring after a while so she decided to try a more interesting and challenging technique with a sponge on the table. 

Check out the amount of concentration that goes into initialing the bottom of the piece. I love her face in this picture, this is SERIOUS work! So anyway, the pieces we worked on will be ready on Wednesday. If I remember I'll take some pictures so you can see the final products...


Anonymous said...

wow! that is serious work! it is a good thing dani was there to keep you and debs focused! :)

Debora said...

I love it Quel! We need to go pick those up today! love you.

mOm CABRAL`S NEWS said...

WOW !! I loved that place ...
Is it good for seniors as weel ??