Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Puerta Del Lago - Cabral Resort and Spa - AKA Quel's Parent's House

Welcome to the Cabral Resort and Spa!

Quel and Marie have been enjoying the extensive facilities at Quel's parent's apartment complex over the past week. Yesterday we decided to document our experience and take everyone on a little tour by reenacting some of the activities we have participated in.

Here's Quel lounging by the outdoor pool... probably one of our favorite activities because it requires no effort at all... that is until the server from the restaurant approaches Marie (while Quel has her headphones on and is totally out of it) and asks Marie if she wants anything to drink or eat. Here's the scene for you... Marie gives the server a blank stare then hits Quel with her book. Quel looks at the book wondering why she's been assaulted while she is relaxing, then looks at Marie's confused expression, then finally notices the server... puts all the pieces together and says "No gracias."

Although there are several paths one can take to get from place to place at the Cabral Resort and Spa, Marie seems to prefer the one where if she happens to trip or slip she ends up all wet (Marie's a ledge walker at heart... if you haven't heard this story ask her about it sometime). Quel prefers a more conventional path.

Here is some evidence of Quel's preference for more conventional paths.

Here is Marie lounging... without the blank stare from the previous story.

When the sun wasn't shining... which was every day except for last Friday... Marie and Quel used the indoor pool. The next few pictures below were taken inside the women's locker room - a camera was probably not allowed in the locker room but, being the renegades we are, we just couldn't resist.

Marie thinks this a bit too decorative for a locker room... the exact comment was "You call this a locker room?"

After swimming we often enjoyed the sauna... Quel's idea of drying up, Marie's idea of sweating. Again, Quel's a little chronically cold and the sauna felt just about right.

On Monday, we were finally able to schedule our massages. This is not exactly what it looked like but our best attempt at replication. This is the end of the locker room pictures... the rest of the pictures are perfectly legal.

Notice in the background the variety of options for competitive activities... tennis court, soccer field, sport court for volleyball and basketball. Yes, they do have a basketball court and no, Quel wouldn't play with Marie. How sad... but really can you imagine... Quel would be at just a slight disadvantage there... only because she didn't have good shoes on!
In addition to all the other amenities in the facility, there is an extensive playground behind the building. Quel has never been rock climbing... Marie's response, "Oh it's easy, start with this wall" which proved to be just enough of a challenge (again, only because of the shoes).

See, "It's easy."

They have adult-sized swings... yes, we are positive these are meant for adults. Then they have the Quel-sized swings...

The playground has a variety of toddler toys... clearly meant for Marie-sized individuals.

They also have these cool twisty... things, that we just about killed ourselves on (you have no idea how true that is).

One of our daily favorites was the fully equipped gym... we tried to take pictures but they all turned out blurry because we were moving at ridiculously high speeds on the treadmill and bike.

We hope you have enjoyed our little tour of Cabral Resort and Spa. We hope you will have the opportunity to visit in the near future.

1 comment:

Kirsten Treff said...

how much does it cost to stay there?! i want to go!