Saturday, June 28, 2008

Teotihuacan - City of the Gods

Teotihuacan is a city located about 45 minutes (minus traffic) northeast of downtown Mexico city. According to Worsham and Bowman (2008), Teotihuacan, also known as the City of the Gods (the name really meaning "the place where men become gods"), is recognized by many as one of the most impressive cities of the ancient world. Some Book of Mormon scholars believe that this is the same city that is mentioned in the book of Third Nephi (or in the Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites series) as Jacobugath. The city has a variety of imposing structures (pyramids, temples, and other random stuff) that have been excavated and represent only about ten percent of the original city. On Saturday, Worsham and Bowman, spent the day exploring Teotihuacan.

The renowned Mesoamerican scholar, M. Worsham, doing her research on site at the Temple of Quetzalcoatl.

Worsham's sidekick and coauthor, R. Bowman, with the characteristics cement and lava rock structures found at Teotihuacan, including the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon, in the background. Worsham with her hosts and tour guides (also known as Quel's parents) standing in the Avenue of the Dead with the Temple of the Moon in the background.

Evidence that Worsham takes her research very seriously and is willing to put herself in dangerous situations in order to become better acquainted with Mesoamerican history.

Bowman looks on and secures the area (Bowman is the obvious choice for ensuring Worsham's security).

With security being an important issue, Worsham and Bowman, survey the area before continuing forward.

Upon finding that the area is safe, Worsham and Bowman take a moment to ponder and meditate upon their findings.

Where's Waldo? Or Worsham and Bowman in this case?

Worsham and Bowman prepare to climb the Pyramid of the Sun... the most daunting task of the day. They climb...
and climb...
and climb...
Successfully reaching the pinnacle, they stop a moment to rest and enjoy the beauty of the view from the top of the pyramid of the sun.

Worsham and Bowman enjoy the fruits of their labors.

Worsham and Bowman refuel with some traditional Mesoamerican food... nachos.


Unknown said...

You two are so silly! I could just picture you sitting there writing this blog, laughing so hard at what you were writing. It made me chuckle. I liked hearing of this experience from Worsham's and Bowman's points of view. They're very intellectual and research-oriented.

Kirsten Treff said...

your blog is very entertaining!